Having trouble logging in? Here are the most common reasons and how to fix them:
1. Unverified Email Address:
- Issue: If this is your first login, your email address may not be verified yet.
- Check your inbox (including the spam folder) for a Confirmation Code email from coinpass.
- Contact our client experience team to get assistance to verify your email address.
- Check your inbox (including the spam folder) for a Confirmation Code email from coinpass.
2. Incorrect Email Address:
- Issue: Double-check that you're using the exact email address you registered with.
- Solution: Carefully re-enter your email address, paying attention to any typos.
3. Incorrect Password:
- Issue: Passwords are case-sensitive, and it's easy to mistype them.
- Retype your password, ensuring accuracy.
- If you've forgotten your password, use this link to reset it: https://accounts.coinpass.com/forgot-password.
- Consider using a password manager like LastPass to securely store and manage your passwords.
4. Incorrect 2FA Code:
- Issue: If you have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled, the code generated by your authenticator app might be incorrect or outdated.
- Make sure you're entering the most recent code from your authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator or Authy).
- If your authenticator app isn't working or you've lost access to it, contact support@coinpass.com immediately to reset your 2FA settings.
- Consider using a dedicated device for your authenticator app or Authy for multiple devices.
5. Blocked Account:
Issue: Your account may be blocked if:
- You haven't completed the signup process within 90 days.
- Suspicious activity has been detected.
- Solution: Contact support@coinpass.com for assistance.
Additional Tips:
- Clear your browser cache and cookies: Sometimes, stored data can interfere with logins.
- Try a different browser or device: A technical issue with your current setup could be causing the problem.